13 December 2022

Trust the Process

I hate this season I am in right now.

Absolutely hate it. 

The 'parenting young toddlers' season of constant meltdowns and sickness. Then there is the daily frustration of toys everywhere that were just put away, food on the floor and complaining about everything. 

Oh, and bath time is when my twin girls have the need to splash as much water out of the bath as possible. They think it's a game and find it hilarious. Every. Single. Day. 

Abigail has been sick for 2 weeks. She gave it to mum who then gave it to Jasmine. I feel like I'm next in the firing line. 

Every morning it's on, non stop, the nursery run involves screaming fits when stuck in traffic. I'll admit I have lost it a few times. Its a miracle to get a full night sleep. Almost every night there is screaming and being kicked in the back in our bed. 

The repetition of doing the same tasks over and over again is brutal. I am a human slave; trying to juggle ten tasks at once, trying to look after everyone and then do it all over again the next day. 

Can you tell I'm frustrated? 

And what do I want to do? Run away. Far away to a nice, peaceful holiday by myself, anywhere with a beach and the sun. But that would be unfair and selfish. To leave when I am most needed at home. 

I struggle with the comparison trap, seeing other people happy and living the dream on social media while I am silently suffering. 

Trust the Process

I've heard the phrase before several times. It means to keep going when times are tough. Don't give up and have faith that you are getting stronger everyday. And when you look back you will see how far you have come mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

We don't grow when life is easy, sitting on a beach in Mexico drinking a pina colada. You grow the most during the HARDEST seasons of your life. 

James 1:2-4 says whenever you face trials of many kinds, it is building within you perseverance and strength. This can also build in valuable character and skill sets for life that can not come about any other way. 

You are stronger than you think you are - you just don't know it yet.

You are wiser than you think you are - you just have't discovered it yet. 

You are more capable than you think you are - you just haven't tapped into it yet. 

Whatever season you are in right now, trust the process, it will be worth it! 

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