13 June 2022

"You are familiar with all my ways..."

Do you realise that God knows everything about you...

He knows your thoughts and your desires. Your hope and your dreams. He knows your feelings, your fears and your pain. He also understands your anger and frustration. When you feel hurt, He feels it too. God is angry at the injustice you have experienced and is on your side.


Psalm 139:3 – You discern my going out and my lying down. You are familiar with all my ways…


Another version reads that God is “well acquainted with all your ways.


God knows what is best because He knows you better than you know yourself. He is familiar with your life as one inhabitating the same house where you live and sleeping in the same bed.


Job 31:4 – Does He not see my ways and count my every step?


God has counted all the hairs on your head (Matthew 10:30). Did you know that you have on average 100,000 hairs on your head at any one time? Absolutely nothing escapes His attention.


Neurologically speaking, science has found that thought patterns in the brain are very similar to grooves, like a well trodden dirt road. That is why our thoughts are so powerful and difficult to change! God knows your every thought pattern, millions of them. He knows your deepest secrets, motives and intentions. The hidden things that no one else can know. 


Psalm 139:2; 4 – You know when I sit down and when I rise up. You discern my thoughts from afar… Even before a word is on my tongue, O LORD you know it altogether.


God knows you perfectly, deeply and intimately. All the good, the bad and the unspeakable. And He loves you unconditionally and completely. Amazing!


Now you might think that a perfect and Holy God knowing someone’s worst character traits may cause Him to punish or condemn. But you would be completely wrong.


Scripture says, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Even when human nature was at its worst, in complete depravity, and put an innocent man to be crucified on a cross, God still loved us. But not so we could stay in the same condition, but to be forgiven of our sins, radically transformed and have a new nature.


Ezekiel 36:26 – And I will give you a new heart and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.


Friend, it is time to let go of your need for control. It is time to stop fighting God and to surrender to His ways. His ways are so much better and He can be trusted completely.


I promise you will not regret it.

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