26 September 2020


Have you ever had your heart broken? 

I have.

When you fall madly in love with someone special, you feel like the luckiest person in the world. Its hard to explain but its like touching heaven and time stands still.

Scientifically, dopamine is the chemical in the brain when we feel "drunk in love." And Oxytocin is released which causes immense bonding to another person. This explains why falling in love is such a supernatural experience! Over a prolonged period of time, soul ties are established; when your heart, mind and soul is attached to the one you love.

But then tragedy strikes and that special person closes the door and walk away on you unexpectedly. You feel like your world is imploding and the pain is unbearable. Only those who have experienced a heart break can truly understand the mixed range of painful emotions which come afterwards.

I was in a short relationship once to an amazing person in 2013. There were some wonderful moments and memories we shared, including dreams of a future together.

But we had one minor argument and she called it off the next day. It was sudden and devastating to say the least, so much so that it took almost two years for me to move on. I was inconsolable and in a deep depression for a long time. I don't like to ever talk about it to this day.

Did you know that God's heart also breaks? 1 John 4 says God is love and His love is unconditional. He loves every single human being and jealousy longs for us. But when we turn away and reject Him, His heart breaks too.

God's greatest gift was giving humanity a free will to choose to either love Him or reject Him. Love can not be forced or manipulated. It needs to be consensual, willing and sincere.

In 2017, statistics say that nearly 150,000 people die everyday. If just 1% of these was not a Christian and became forever separated from God, this would be 1,500 per day. In reality the percentage is likely much higher.

Just losing one person was devastating for me. I couldn't imagine tens of thousands, every single day. Priceless souls Jesus died for.

Its a good thing I am not God and have all knowledge and present in all places at once. I would have a meltdown after a few seconds.

Our everyday decisions also show our love for God. Is it consistently obedient, humble willing and sincere? Or is our loyalty divided, hypocritical and shallow?

Only we truly know.

This only magnifies how GREAT a love God has for us. That His love is perfect and unconditional, willing to forgive and desires to bless us continually.

Psalm 136 repeats the words, "His love endures forever" twenty-six times, in between praises of all God has done for us.

How true it is. 

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