30 November 2013

With God I Can Scale a Wall...

Have you ever reflected on your life one day and wondered where things went wrong? Or evaluated how ended up where you are today and questioned what this day has got to do with your destiny?

Life can throw us many difficult challenges and problems. Many times it is easy to question if where we are now is God’s best for us. But seeing through eyes of faith and digging deeper than our feelings are telling us, we can realise that God is doing a mighty work within us. Looking back this time next year, you will be so much a bigger and better person, you might surprise yourself.

The journey of faith is one of constant change, increase, growth and resilience to our mind, soul and spirit. Therefore it can be painful but highly purposeful. Any great leader in history has experienced this which is the process in how they eventually became great.

Pain has divine purpose and a great character builder. Oh pity the man of no pain, fear or suffering for they are not really living but merely existing and will achieve nothing at the end of their days.

Psalms 18:29 With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.

David had many real life battles, fighting wars with neighbouring countries who were hostile and dangerous. They had a bounty on his head and he was a huge target to take out. But David was a man after God’s own heart and a man of great prayer. He had a close relationship and trusted God with His life at every battlefield.

God in all His sovereignty and power sees through eternity and knows everything in advance before we do. Knowing this David trusted God and after receiving a word, without s second thought, went off and did God’s strategy boldly. Each word was a different strategy and principle to apply.

Likewise it is important to never make a principle out of your experience in your journey of faith. What works one day might not the next. We need to always be keeping a soft heart hearing from God and ready to do what He speaks to us in our heart.

Obey God in the thing He shows you, and instantly the next thing is opened up. God will never reveal more truth about Himself until you have obeyed what you know already – Oswald Chambers

We will all experience suffering which shows we are human and have meaning to our lives. The context can make the suffering go away with eyes of hope. Hope is a powerful force that tells us we can survive what we are going through as we see the end of the tunnel approaching.

Yes if you want to achieve something great in life, you will have many days of what feels like overwhelmingly pain. But take heart, God is doing a mighty work within you, and with God you can scale a wall.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him from them all (Psalms 34:19). 

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